511 Kidz is a dynamic children’s club for Primary School-aged children (5-11).
511 currently meets every Sunday at 11:00am ’til 12:pm at our Burgess Hill Campus. We aim to restart our mid-week after school club in the near future.
We also run 511 at our Brighton Campus on Wednesdays, 3:15pm ’til 4:45pm.
Your Children can expect a warm welcome and a fun-filled session. Each meeting is packed with exciting games, life lessons, fantastic songs and much more.
Please enrol your child/children by completing our consent form before they attend Kidz 511. Thank you.
Every year we run a variety of Holiday Clubs that span a few days. These events usually have an underlining theme, with games, crafts, and a variety of other activities to match. It’s a fun-filled time for all involved – even the leaders.
We do have a maximum capacity when running our Holiday Clubs, so we ask all those who are interested to sign-up and purchase a ticket for their child. The cost of ticket helps cover the cost of running the club.
Check out our “Upcoming Events” section to see when we are holding our next holiday club.